Creating a Document |
Before you begin this task:
You must have created a workspace and must have the Developer role.
Process Platform offers different ways in which you can create documents. Newly created documents are stored in the workspace. You can choose either to place the documents directly under the project or group them in folders in a folder structure.
This topic helps you to get started with document creation. However, it does not contain detailed end-to-end information pertaining to the creation of any specific document type, because each document has its own requirements. To know the details, refer to the procedure pertaining to that specific document.
Note: While creating documents, ensure that you provide unique names to all the documents so that they are distinct. Also, provide distinct names to folders that contain these documents. Do no repeat the name of a folder or document, even if creating it in a separate project. This is to avoid any kind of conflict pertaining to the location, during publish or use at run time. For information about making folders and documents distinct, see topic on using Qualified Names.
- Select one of the following starting points:
Starting Point
Alternative Procedures for each Starting Point
OpenText Process Suite Platform User Start Page (CUSP) >
> <Applications>
(New Process Platform Document). The New Process Platform Document window appears displaying all the documents.
1. Click( Workspace Documents). The Workspace Documents window appears.
2. On the toolbar, clicknext to
and select Other. The New Process Platform Document window appears displaying all the documents.
1. Click( Workspace Documents). The Workspace Documents window appears.
2. Right-click Project or Folder and select New > Other. The New Process Platform Document window appears displaying all the documents.Existing Document
1. Open an existing document.2. On the toolbar, click( Quick Access Menu) > New. The list of documents appears.
1. Open an existing document.2. On the toolbar, click. A new blank document of the same type appears.
Note: For each fresh session of Process Platform, you will be prompted to select a Workspace on the Organize Workspaces window, before you proceed with any other activity. This is an intermediate step. To bypass this step, select the Don't ask me again option on the Organize Workspaces window.
Select the document you want to create from the New Process Platform Document window. The following table lists all the available documents.
Document Name
To create an action template that represents the draft of an action which can be reused.
To create a custom application connector.
To create a business calendar.
To model a business context.
To create a Business Event Response that keeps track of multiple events and compares those event parameters and outcomes against a set of business rules; and takes appropriate action if the Event falls within the predefined criteria.
To define and use Business Identifiers.
To create a Business Measure that helps measuring an aspect of a business process or any external data.
To create a business partner.
To create a business partner category.
To create a business process category.
To design, debug, and run business process models.
To create the cascading style sheets.
Case360 EIS Connection To create an entity connection to an external Case360 system. To create business calendar exceptions.
To design and run case models.
To create a composite control that can be used in XForms.
To create a condition template that represents the draft of a condition, which can be used as it is or can be modified and used.
To create a common repository to maintain pairs of source and target values.
To create a document that represents the transformation between the source and target data models.
To abstract database contents and create its metadata.
To create a data quality plan that helps to manage the quality of data.
To create a data quality plugin that helps to configure a data quality plan.
To create a decision table that contains one or more rules acting on a business object.
To create a custom dispatch algorithm that determines to whom the message is delivered.
To create Email model on a business object.
Entity To create a native entity. To add UDDI Registry to a Process Platform system.
To create interfaces for external web pages.
History Log To create a history log for an application. Homepage Layout To create a home page for an entity-based application. HyperText Markup Language
To create HTML files. Clicking this icon will open a text editor. You can create the required HTML code or copy an existing code in the editor. For help on the coding, refer to HyperText Markup Language.
To create a Java Archive (.JAR) by compiling the Java sources (.java) available in the project.
To create a metadata of the existing Java Archive (.JAR) or Java classes (.class) on which Web services can be generated.
To create Java sources.
Javascript source
To create Javascript sources. Clicking this icon will open a text editor. You can create the required Javascript code or copy an existing code in the editor. For help on the coding, refer to Javascript source.
To create Javascript Message Bundles.
To create KPI for monitoring and capturing process or external data source related information and triggering business actions and outbound events as specified.
MBPM EIS Connection To create an entity connection to an MBPM system. To create MDM hub data store.
To create an MDM model containing hub and spoke data stores.
To generate a sequence identifier for a data entity. This ID uniquely identifies the business object.
To create a sniffer that tracks the changes in the data store
To create MDM spoke data stores
To create an MDM State model
To create an MDM subscription handler
To create organization models.
To create organization units.
To create organization unit types.
To create Process Monitoring Object; a set of associated attributes from a business process and the related contextual web services, which need to be monitored as a logical group.
Process Platform EIS Connection To create an entity connection to a Process Platform system. To create a role.
To create a rule that defines the business logic of a business object.
To create a rule group to organize functionally similar rules for better management.
To create schedules that can trigger time-based events or processes.
To create interfaces for your applications.
To create and model a value chain.
To transform a HTML file as a web document and use it in Process Platform.
To create Web service source and plug-in the Web service sources to the Web Service Source Generation Wizard.
To create a container that holds generated Web service operations and their Web service interface.
To create a work list that acts as a container of tasks processed in a work flow, case, or any other composite application.
To create a WS-AppServer package that contains Java classes generated on database tables, custom classes, methods, attributes, schemas, and Web service operations.
To create an XML document in Process Platform.
To create an XML schema of a document in Process Platform.
To store XML documents as run-time objects in XML Store.
The associated editor for the document appears.
Note: You may notice the following variation in the way the documents are created:
- You may need to create the document first using the associated editor and then save it.
- You may need to save the document first and later open it and work on it.
When you try to save a document, you will be prompted to select a location to store the document. You may select an existing project or folder, or create a new project or folder, and save the document.
To distinguish the contents of one folder from another at run time, you can set Qualified Name (QN) for folders. The QN attributes a unique name to the project contents. At run time, when you install the packaged application, the QN prevents content overwrite. For more details, see Using the Qualified Name.
For the exact procedure relevant to the document you want to create, refer to the task associated with that document and follow the hyperlink in the table.
The document is created and you can view it in Workspace Documents either in Explorer view or My Recent Documents view.